liberating soul造句
- All souls have the potential to be liberated souls.
- It is usually done in front of images of any liberated soul ( Arihant.
- With moksha, a liberated soul attains the stature and oneness with Brahman or Paramatma.
- During medieval period, worship of some heavenly beings who are not liberated souls, started.
- There is a tree of life ( and another tree ) and a circle dance of liberated souls.
- It's difficult to find liberating soul in a sentence. 用liberating soul造句挺难的
- Sometimes he inspires a liberated soul to take a human form and propagate the divine knowledge of Vihangam Yoga.
- According to Jain beliefs, MlliGha became a siddha, a liberated soul which has destroyed all of its karma.
- The text describes the monk as a Jivanmukta, a liberated soul while alive, and Videhamukta is liberation in afterlife.
- A liberated soul is said to have attained its true and pristine nature of infinite bliss, infinite knowledge and infinite perception.
- He is said to have become a siddha, i . e . soul at its purest form or a liberated soul.
- And when a practitioner of Yoga becomes a Jivamukta ( liberated soul ), he knows that his Atman is the ultimate perfection.
- The only difference between the liberated souls and those in bondage is that the former have attained liberation as a result of their effort.
- It's where eternally liberated souls who have attained moksha reside in eternal sublime beauty with Lakshmi and Narayana ( a manifestation of Vishnu ).
- Death dissolves this compact, but only to re-imprison the liberated soul after a short time : for the wheel of birth revolves inexorably.
- The quality of " avaghan " means that the liberated soul does not hinder the existence of other such souls in the same space.
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